2 SwarmCatch Lures with Nasanov
Swarming is one of the beekeeper’s major problems. There isn’t always enough time to carry out necessary prevention and control measures. SwarmCatch can capture many swarms from your own hives thus reducing loss of bees and honey due to swarming.
Synthetically produced Nasanov will attract swarms to unoccupied hive equipment or a swarm-catching box. Research shows that on average, swarms from the area will occupy 50 – 80% of catch boxes containing Nasanov (provided there is a reasonable amount of swarming in the area)
Preparing and setting trap boxes
To attract swarms, use one SwarmCatch in a box (super) of frames (empty combs). Attach the SwarmCatch lure with a pushpin to one of the frames close to the entrance. (there is a loop at the top of the lure.) Boxes should face south and have a bottom entrance. Boxes should be off the ground about one meter (3 ft). Boxes set at the edge of an apiary will capture swarms from other areas. To capture swarms from your apiary, place boxes as far away as possible (at least 250 meters 750ft). This distance is important because scout bees naturally select nest sites some distance away from the parent hive.
Do not put combs of honey in box as they attract robbing bees and ants. Light coloured combs are recommended since there is less chance of brood disease being present and they are not so likely to be attractive to wax moths.
Using and storing lures
- STORE IN THE FREEZER until use, lures will last for 3 years in the freezer
- When using, LEAVE THE CAP ON and place the tube on the side bar of a frame near the hive entrance. There is a tiny “loop” at the top of the tube through which a pin or a tack can be inserted when attaching it to the frame.
- DO NOT OPEN OR PIERCE THE TUBE. The pheromone will slowly diffuse through the walls of the vial.
- It is best to use rubber gloves when handling lures.
- Lures will last in the field for 3 months.
- Lures can be re-used. For longer lure life, re-freeze in between uses.